WIMBERLEY, directed by Michael Blatt, will play at The Jewel Box Theatre Oct 31 at 7pm, Nov 3rd at 7:30pm, and Nov 4th at 6pm. It will feature performances from original cast members Josh Trant and Peter Ferraiolo. Bianca Puorto will join the production team for this run as producer and assistant director.

Set in a small Texas town, Wimberley explores the boundaries of friendship between two former football players after the glories of high school are over.

A film adaptation of Wimberley is also currently in pre-production.

Wimberley (formerly known as Hole) was developed in a workshop production at The Actors Studio Drama School. This is the first time the production will be open to the public.

UPDATE: A fourth performance date has been added on November 5th at 8pm.
